HR & Payroll

Payroll Module

PeopleCloud´s Payroll Module offers a seamless and efficient solution for managing employee salaries and benefits. It automates calculations, ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing while handling various complexities such as tax deductions, overtime, and bonuses.

The Payroll Module integrates effortlessly with other HR functions, providing real-time updates and easy access to detailed reports. This streamlines payroll management, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring compliance and employee satisfaction.

In addition to: 

  • Calculate employee net pay
  • Pay employees via direct deposit on daily,  weekly or monthly basis
  • Manage payroll taxes
  • Distribute via online the pay stubs of each staff member
  • Integrate the attendance report and many more features

We also offer a Payrolling Services for complex companies. Choose PeopleCloud for reliable, hassle-free payroll solutions that elevate your business operations.

Planning and Organization Module

Organization Chart & Structure

Simplifies payroll budgeting and compensation calculations. Easily manage your employee’s information. Use, create reports to display strategic information.


9 Box Grid

Clearly understand the performance and potential of your collaborators by using the 9 Box Grid. Where the x-axis represents the employees’ current overall performance, and the y-axis represents their 360 evaluation



Analyze the competitiveness of your salaries against the market.

• Manage salary increases.

• Prepare tables of general increases.



• Prepare budgets by area.

• Enable authorization flows with comments.

• Create various scenarios.

• Establish a maximum percentage increase in the budget.

• Monitor authorized annual budget per month vs. the actual cost of payroll.

Recruitment & OnBoarding Module

Choose the best candidates for your vacancies

Our catalog of psychometric tests includes:

Therman, Intellectual Abilities: Evaluates intelligence: general, knowledge, reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory.
• 16 PF, Personality Traits: Measures factors such as sociability, problem solving, emotional stability, responsibility, among others.
Kostick, Administrative Styles: Identifies managerial or directive profiles in the organization.
Cleaver, Behaviors and Skills: Determines how the person acts in a normal environment, whether their behavior changes when motivated, and how they act under pressure.
Moss, Social Adaptability: Evaluates the degree to which a person behaves in situations that demand supervision and control of subordinate personnel.
Zavic, Values and Interests: Evaluates aspects such as morality, legality, indifference, corruption and economic, political, social and religious interests.
IPV: Personality for Salespeople (IPV) Measures general disposition for sales and commercial profiles.
IAFI, Resilience Test: Evaluates the ability to overcome adverse situations. NOM-035: Identify, analyze and predict psycho-social risks in your company with PeopleCloud.
Ellis Test: With these tests you can measure the self-limiting ideas that generate stress and unhappiness.
Beck Scale, Hopelessness: Identifies pessimistic attitudes and tendencies toward depression.


Recruitment and Selecction

Manage personnel requisitions, publish your vacancies on different job boards, create interview guides, send psychometric tests and consult recruitment reports.



Effectively plan the onboarding process for new employees, helping them understand everyday tools and providing the information.


Administration Module


Consult and manage the different attendance control devices, access the incidents that will help you calculate payroll. Take advantage of remote check-in for employees in the Home Office.



Integrate all the information that collaborators need in the employee portal. Always keep your employees informed.

In the employee portal you can find:

• An information center, employee directory, suggestion box and company notifications.
• Corporate blog.
• Easy handling of letter requests.
• A quick way to apply surveys and questionnaires.


Vacations & Permissions

With our vacation tracking software, employees will be able to request their vacations and enter an authorization flow.


Files & Letters

• Automate the requests of contracts, employment certificates, letters, resignations, etc.
• Generates customizable document templates.
• Define authorization flows.
• Access the request history from the employee portal.


Other Features: Questionnaires and Benefits. 

With PeopleCloud you can collect all the extra information you need to take decitions.

Retention Module

Develop action plans to work on opportunity areas, impacting turnover rates.

Our catalog of tests includes:

Work Environment Assesstment: Some of our Survey dimensions: Teamwork, Values, culture and pride, Organization, Leadership, Working conditions, Innovation and change, Motivation and satisfaction.

Performance Evaluation: Evaluates the efficiency, quality and productivity with which each collaborator carries out their assigned activities in a given period.

360, 180 & 90 Degrees:  Provides a broader perspective by obtaining information about employee performance from all angles: direct boss, colleagues, subordinates, internal and external customers, etc.


Other Features

Training: You can schedule, manage, measure and track your training plans in a simple and efficient way.

Kudo Cards

Show appreciation for doing good work by sending Kudos cards within the organization.


Employee Portal Module

A  communication channel that streamlines the work of the HR department.


• Provides access to view and keep employee information such as resume and personal data.
• Send personal and general notifications.
• Send Kudos.
• Employee directory.
• Offers access to evaluations, request letters and other company documents.
• Follow-up on vacation requests.
• Apply surveys and questionnaires.

Special Reports

Our intuitive software provides you with real-time employee information with just a few clicks, through customizable reports that are easy to set up and download. Such as:  Attendance, Hollidays, Payments, Bugdgets, Rotation, and many more.   



We offer you the best HR System
to manage all your human capital.
